This afternoon Christopher Jones and Iago Davies flew out from Heathrow to Baltimore with six other members of the GBR National Oppie Squad.

An invitation was received in April from the USA Sailing Federation for a team of saiors to join a week of training with the USA National squad at the Annapolis Yacht Club in Maryland. Sailors were asked to declare an interest and the 8 with the highest ranking were selected.

The boys will be staying in the home of members of the Annapois Yacht Club and they have taken a CHPSC pennant as a gift to the club, so if you are ever in the vicinity rememeber to have a look for it!

They will spend 5 days training with the American sailors and their coaches aswell as the Bermuda team, who have also been invited along.

An amazing opportunity that they will remember for a long time!

Chipac Members Training with Team USA in Annapolis

